Fire Danger Rating: VERY HIGH effective 8/7/2020
Fire Danger: Very High / Extreme
Burn Ban: Rule Permit and Recreation burns are banned
Burn Ban: Rule Permit and Recreation burns are banned
Fire danger level is very high. All debris burning on DNR jurisdiction is prohibited. This includes rule burning and permit burning. Campfires on DNR protected lands are not allowed. Contact the county for information on recreation burning and debris burning on improved property.
Contact Information:
225 S Silke Rd.
(509) 684-7474
VERY HIGH – Fires start very easily and spread at a very fast rate. Fires start easily from all causes, spread rapidly and intensify quickly. Spot fires are a constant danger. Fires burning in heavy fuels may quickly develop high-intensity characteristics, such as long-distance spotting and fire whirlwinds. Direct attack at the head of such fires is rarely possible after they have been burning more than a few minutes.