Permit burning prohibited effective 6/23/2023 00:01 hours
Permit burning on DNR jurisdiction will be prohibited effective 6/23/2023 at 00:01 hours.
Fire Danger Rating: MODERATE
Burn Ban: Rule burns and permit burning prohibited.
Comments: Effective June 23, 2023 @ 0001: Permit burns are prohibited. Rule burns are prohibited. Campfires are allowed in approved, designated campgrounds only. Contact the county for information on recreation burning on improved property. Contact Department of Ecology to check if an air-quality ban is in place for your area.
Northeast Region DNR
225 S Silke Rd., Colville WA 99114
MODERATE – Fires start easily and spread at a moderate rate. Fires can start from most accidental causes, but with the exception of lightning fires in some areas, the number of starts is generally low. Fires in open-cured grassland will burn briskly and spread rapidly on windy days. Woods fires spread slowly to moderately fast. The average fire is of moderate intensity, although heavy concentrations of fuel may burn hot. Short-distance spotting may occur, but is not persistent. Fires are not likely to become serious, and control is relatively easy.