Stevens County Fire Protection District No. 1 – Overview:

Stevens County Fire Protection District #1 is a combination fire department comprised of 9 career firefighters, a full-time mechanic, one Fire Chief, two administrative staff, a retention and recruitment coordinator, and fifty-five active volunteer personnel. The District operates eight fire stations, covering 375 square miles of southeast Stevens County—the largest fire district in the county. We serve over 15,000 permanent residents (22,000 over the summer) and respond to over 1800 calls for service. The District responds to structure and wildland fires, medical calls, traffic accidents and many other types of calls.

The District is largely rural-wildland with hundreds of identified at-risk homes. It also includes 65,000+ acres of private forestland for which we provide initial attack in the event of a wildland fire. The career staff works a 48 “on” and 96 “off” schedule. District volunteers respond “24/7” to all calls for service.

On a graded scale of 1-10, the fire district fire protection rating is a “6” for properties that are served by fire hydrants and live within five road miles of a fire station. We do have a Tender Credit that is a “7”. The primary deficiencies to the overall rating continue to be lack of on-duty personnel. These ratings do significantly impact fire insurance rates for commercial and residential properties.

Stevens County Fire Protection District No.1 is dedicated to helping our citizens and visitors. The fire district is served by a dedicated staff of career and volunteer personnel who often put service to their community ahead of their personal lives. If you have ever considered helping your community, we would love to hear from you. Applications are available on the website.

Fire fighters in Stevens County Fire Protection District One responding to a fire